BOB Gear Single Car Seat Adapter – Cybex/Maxi-Cosi/Nuna
Transform your BOB Gear single jogging stroller into the perfect travel system. This accessory allows you to easily connect your Nuna®, Cybex® or Maxi Cosi® infant car seat with your stroller while on the go. Moving from car to stroller is quick and simple!
Includes adapter frame and 2 removable receivers; removable receivers needed for Alterrain/Alterrain Pro only
Compatible Cybex® Infant Car Seats:
Aton 2
Cloud Q
Compatible Maxi Cosi® Car SeatsÂ
Maxi Cosi, Mico 30Â
Mico Max 30Â
Coral XP
Mico Max Plus
Compatible Nuna® Car SeatsÂ
Pipa LiteÂ
Compatible BOB Gear Jogging Strollers:Â Â Â
Alterrain Pro
Revolution Flex 2016+ / 2.0 / 3.0Â
Revolution Pro 2016+Â
Fit4Mom® Stroller Strides® 2016+